Direct Dark Matter Detection Report Community Feedback Meeting

From APPEC News:

An APPEC SAC sub-committee for Direct Dark Matter Detection was established by the General Assembly in May 2019. This committee, chaired by Professor Leszek Roszkowski, has delivered its draft report for community feedback. The draft report gives a complete overview of the current status in the field of direct dark matter detection research as well as an outline of the prospects for experiments in the foreseeable future. It also addresses the issue of infrastructure requirements and the links to neighbouring research fields.
Feedback from the wider European (and beyond) Astroparticle Physics community is invited and will be discussed in an online meeting on Tuesday 2 February 2021. Information on the community feedback meeting and participant registration is provided in Indico at
This site links the draft Direct Dark Matter Detection Committee Report. This document is a draft report that is only made available confidentially for this meeting. It is subject to change, depending in part on the community feedback. Questions, comments or suggestions concerning the draft report can already be submitted by email to the chair of the committee Leszek Roszkowski prior to the meeting. Preferably, this should be done no later than Sunday 24 January 2021 for full consideration in preparing the meeting.
Taking the feedback from the community into account, the Direct Dark Matter Detection Committee Report will be finalised for endorsement by the APPEC General Assembly for public release around the beginning of April 2021.

Saturnalia 2020: Anuncio y programa 🗓

El solsticio de invierno se acerca inexorablemente y con él el comienzo de nuestra conferencia anual de saturnalia.

Como novedades, este año nuestro Saturnalia 2020 comenzará el mismo día del solsticio (21 de Diciembre) y se celebrará online (via

La conferencia Saturnalia 2020 tendrá este año un formato más relajado:

  • Duración:   21 de Diciembre, de 12h a 15h y 22 de Diciembre, de 12h a 14h.
  • Formato:   3~4 charlas de 30min cada día, con 15min para preguntas, discusión, café y socialización online entre ellas.
  • Ponentes:    Konrad Altenmueller, Ernesto Arganda, Jacobo Asorey, Juan Antonio García Pascual, Maurizio Giannotti, Yisely Martinez, Bodo Schwabe … 
  • Calificación:   Todos los públicos (Hemos solicitado a los conferenciantes que al menos la primera mitad de las charlas sean de un nivel accesible, de modo que los estudiantes del Grado en Física son bienvenidos).

Podéis encontrar todos los detalles  (incluidos los de conexión) en la página de Saturnalia 2020:


Además podéis añadir el calendario de Saturnalia a vuestro e-calendario mediante el siguiente enlace:
