Charla de Diego Blas: «Soundscape of gravitational waves: a new tool to access the fundamental blocks of the Universe»

Diego Blas is a researcher at UAB (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) and IFAE (Instituto de Física de Altas Energías). His research interests are in theoretical physics, gravitation and cosmology.

Abstract: In this talk, current and future efforts to detect gravitational waves from Earth and space observatories will be reviewed. Diego will also emphasise the physical consequences of these searchers, in particular regarding fundamental physics (primordial cosmology, dark matter, modified gravity…)

Viernes 6 mayo, 12 horas, seminario de Física Nuclear. On-line (Google-meet)

Charla de Diego Blas (cartel)


Charla de Héctor Gómez-Maluenda: Muography and Nuclear Safety: Reactors surveillance, and monitoring and waste qualification


Héctor Gómez-Maluenda ist a researcher at «Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives» (CEA – France)

Abstract: The use of muons produced at the Earth’s atmosphere as radiation source for the scanning of big structures is usually referred as muography. Since first muography attempts by Alvarez in the 1970s, the range of applications of this technique has been broadened in the last years mainly due to the advances on the particle detectors used and to the improvements on the analysis techniques. Thus, different muography measurements have been done for vulcanology, archaeology, geotechnics or civil engineering. Among these different applications, the IRFU group (Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l’Universe – CEA – France) is developing since the last years several projects regarding Nuclear Safety. They include the characterisation of nuclear reactors and their real-time surveillance or the verification of waste containers. After a general introduction to muography, this seminar will be focused on these activities carried out at CEA and their main results, including those about first 3D reconstructions using this technique, passing from muography to muon tomography.

Jueves 5 mayo, 12 horas, seminario de Física Nuclear.


Charla Héctor Gómez (folleto)

Link to the video

Jornada de Puertas Abiertas de la Facultad de Ciencias del curso 2021/2022

Esta mañana, investigadores e investigadoras el CAPA han recibido a dos grupos de estudiantes de 1BAC del IES Pablo Serrano en la novena sesión de la Jornada de Puertas Abiertas de la Facultad de Ciencias del curso 2021/2022.  Los estudiantes has asistido a una charla sobre La Física del Universo y participado en actividades sobre radioactividad y rayos cósmicos en los laboratorios del GIFNA ¡Esperemos que hayan aprendido y disfrutado!


Cuarta y última sesión para nosotros este curso, en el que la Facultad  de Ciencias ha vuelto a abrir sus puertas a los Centros de Secundaria.  Encantados de participar, y mostrar nuestra investigación a estudiantes de nuestro entorno. Gracias a todos los investigadores e investigadoras que han participado en estas sesiones.

Rincón de la Ciencia

La Física de Partículas y la Radioactividad en el Rincón de la Ciencia del Mercado que se instala en el Campus San Francisco

El viernes 18 de marzo, el CAPA ha participado en el Rincón de la Ciencia del Mercado que se instala en el Campus San Francisco. Investigadores e investigadoras del CAPA han propuesto  pequeños juegos y demostraciones prácticas para conocer las partículas fundamentales, de las que está hecha toda la materia. También han ayudado a conocer la radioactividad que nos rodea.

Hands on particle physics- 18th international masterclass

La Facultad de Ciencias ha acogido, un año más,  la actividad “Hands on Particle Physics” organizada por el CAPA, y dirigida a estudiantes Bachillerato. Durante la mañana del jueves 17 de marzo, estudiantes de bachillerato se han introducido en el mundo de la física de partículas, y conocido el sistema de aceleradores y detectores utilizados en Física de Altas Energías. Por un día han sido científicos a la busca de la señal de la partícula Higgs en datos del experimento ATLAS del CERN. Por la tarde, han compartido sus resultados con estudiantes de institutos europeos de Polonia, república Checa, Alemania y Francia, en una teleconferencia organizada por el CERN.

Galería de fotos del evento



Convocatorias Erasmus+ KA107

Université Mohammed V de Rabat

2 grants are made available for a period of internship at the European university “Universidad de Zaragoza – UNIZAR”. This is based on the grant agreement signed between the mentioned university and SEPIE, and in accordance with the inter-institutional agreement signed between the University of Zaragoza – UNIZAR – and Mohammed V University in Rabat, within the framework of the ERASMUS+ Programme with partner countries.


ANEXO I solicitud


Charla de Carlos López Sanjuan: La evolución espectral de enanas blancas con J-PLUS


Dr. Carlos López Sanjuan is a researcher at CEFCA (Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón).

Abstract: White dwarfs are the degenerate compact remnants of stars with masses below 8 Msun. They do not have an internal source of energy and just cool down with time. In addition, they show a diversity of atmospheric compositions in their spectra, with sources presenting hydrogen (H) lines (DA type), helium (He) lines (DO and DB type), metal lines (DZ type), and featureless spectra (DC type) among others. In this seminar we present our recent work about the spectral evolution of white dwarfs with effective temperature (i.e., their age) using the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS). We analysed 5926 white dwarfs with r <= 19.5 mag in common between the white dwarf catalogue presented in Gentile Fusillo et al. 2021, defined from Gaia EDR3, and J-PLUS DR2. We estimated their effective temperature (Teff), surface gravity, parallax, and spectral type; and the probability of having a H-dominated atmosphere (p_H) for each source. Our analysis yields a 21 +- 3% increase in the fraction of He-dominated white dwarfs from Teff = 20000 K to  Teff = 5000 K.

Horario: 12:00, del jueves 10 de marzo, en el seminario de Física Nuclear. On-line


Feebly Interacting Sectors Impact on Cosmology & Astrophysics.

Virtual workshop (1st-4th March 2022)

Different types of astrophysical environments—such as horizontal branch stars, the sun, supernovae (SNe), neutron stars, black holes—offer different guises to explore fundamental physics, and in particular feebly interacting sectors.

A collaborative effort between particle physicists, astrophysicists and astronomers is highly desirable. This interaction can help refine existing ideas, identify the most promising candidate theories and come up with new possible signatures from astrophysical objects.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together the relevant communities, paving the way for a new decade in fundamental physics.

Registration open at


Charla de Miguel Ángel Sánchez Conde sobre detección indirecta de Materia Oscura

Indirect Dark Matter

Dr. Miguel Ángel Sánchez Conde is a researcher at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid leading a group with a focus on gamma-ray dark matter searches, astroparticle physics and cosmological simulations.

Abstract: The nature of the dark matter (DM) in the Universe is one of the greatest mysteries of our time, and its quest of utmost relevance for the whole scientific community. Among the efforts currently ongoing, the search for annihilation or decay products of DM particle candidates like the WIMP already provided abundant information and allowed to set competitive constraints on the DM particle properties. In this review talk, I will summarize the current status of this ‘indirect’ search of DM, paying particular attention to results obtained with gamma-ray telescopes from the direction of the best astrophysical targets. I will finally discuss on future DM sensitivity prospects and new DM search opportunities.»

Horario: 12:00, del jueves 9 de diciembre, en el seminario de Física nuclear u on-line .

Charla financiada por el proyecto DGA del grupo GIFNA .
