Máster Universitario en Física del Universo: Cosmología, Astrofísica, Partículas y Astropartículas

NUEVO: Fase II admisión, del 18 de junio al 2 de julio de 2021 (ver cuadro con fechas relevantes)

The Master in Physics of the Universe: Cosmology, Astrophysics, Particles and Astroparticles, is proposed as a study of 90 ECTs and is aimed at those graduates  who want to specialize in the study of Cosmology, Astrophysics, Astronomy, Astroparticles and Particle Physics, both in a theoretical-phenomenological orientation, as well as in an experimental or technological one.

Basic structure and syllabus of the curriculum

The training offered by the Master’s degree is framed in a privileged area of unique and excellent research. In the national and international context, Aragon stands out for this line of research: the Centre of Astroparticles and High Energy Physics (CAPA) , the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC), and the Centre of Physics of the Cosmos of Aragon (CEFCA) have researchers and leading technologists in the lines of study of the title. Projects, national and international awards, and distinctions, are a sample of the level of excellence of the groups. Therefore, a high-quality knowledge is offered, distinct from other national and international master titles, which will be capable of attracting students to convert the University of Zaragoza into a reference centre for training in high-energy physics, cosmology, astronomy, astrophysics and astroparticles.

We offer a blended learning, which combines a face-to-face traditional training with on line resources, to adapt the courses to the needs of the students anytime. For the same reasons, all the courses have an English/Spanish bilingual format.

Main research lines involved in the title

  • Direct detection of dark matter
  • Modelization of dark matter in galaxies
  • Axion physics: theory and detection
  • Neutrino physics: double beta decay and neutrino mass
  • Radioactivity and low background techniques
  • Development of particle detectors
  • Gauge theories in the lattice
  • Field Theory applications to quantum information and topological materials
  • Standard Model phenomenology and physics beyond the SM
  • Theory and phenomenology of quantum gravity
  • Cosmology and galaxy evolution

Leaflet: Physics of the Universe
Poster: Physics of the Universe

Memoria (in Spanish)
Presentación facultad (in Spanish)

Información sobre el acceso a los estudios de máster de la Universidad de Zaragoza

Contact: mfu@unizar.es